Monthly archive for September 2015

Submitting Membership Dues and Requesting Membership Cards

  We are looking forward to the start of another school year. We are pleased to say that this year we do have the option to send your membership cards directly to your members via email. This option helps to alleviate the burden of card distribution at the local level. Please use the information below as a guide. Missing and/or incorrect information will delay the distribution of your cards. As a reminder, members MUST provide an email address if they wish to receive a card electronically. In addition, if it is a family membership ( Mr & Mrs, Smith). We will

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Upcoming Reflections Webinars

Learn about Delaware PTA’s Reflection Arts Program!!    The arts and Delaware PTA Reflections support student success and serve as a valuable tool for engaging families and building strong partnerships in the school community.  Founded in 1969, Reflections engages nearly 300,000 students and their families in arts education activities each year by encouraging students to explore the arts for fun and recognition.  REFLECT on the theme, CREATE art.  BE RECOGNIZED Pre-kindergarten through grade 12 students are encouraged to submit original works of art in one or more of the following categories: ·         Literature ·         Musical Composition ·         Film Production ·         Photography ·        

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Delaware PTA’s Response to the Smarter Balanced Assessments

On Wednesday September 2, 2015 the Delaware Department of Education released the overall results of the Smarter Balanced Assessments in Math and ELA English Language Arts). Overall, the proficiency rates are exactly where we expected they would be, especially for schools with a higher concentration of at risk populations. We have long maintained that an assessment is only effective when weighed against its intended use and purpose. The true purpose of assessments should be to determine gaps in learning and ensure that the state is directing the appropriate resources to the students and schools that need it most. As parents, it is

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