Title | Name | Email Address |
President | ||
President-Elect | Kelly Coffey | kelly.coffey@delawarepta.org |
Secretary | ||
Treasurer | Julie Alvarez | Julie.alvarez@delawarepta.org |
VP of Advocacy | OPEN | |
VP of Membership | OPEN | |
VP of Regions | OPEN | |
Social Media Chair | OPEN | |
Federal Legislative Chair | OPEN | |
Environmental Health Chair | OPEN | |
Bylaws Chair | OPEN | |
Convention Committee Chair | OPEN | |
Health Education Chair | OPEN | |
Scholarship Chair | OPEN | |
Reflections Chair | OPEN | |
Business Partnerships & Corporate Sponsorships Chair | OPEN | |
Family Engagement Chair | OPEN | |
Environmental Health Chair | OPEN | |
Exceptional Child Chair | OPEN | |
Diversity Chair | OPEN | |
Local Relations Chair | OPEN | |
Military Outreach Chair | OPEN | |
Male Engagement Chair | OPEN | |
Learn more about the open positions available with Delaware PTA:
DPTA Officer & Committee Position Descriptions
Delaware PTA has no physical office location. Please send an email to contact us.