Chartering A New PTA

Any group may request to organize as a unit of the Delaware State PTA provided there is not an
existing PTA unit in the school.

It is recommended an association must be composed of not less than 10 members, of whom at least
three serve in the offices of president, secretary, and treasurer.

The Field Service Rep is responsible for all organizing, and should be consulted when contemplating
forming a new unit.

The name of the new association will be presented as a new Charter before Delaware State PTA
 The application for acceptance in the Delaware State PTA have been received;
 The charting member dues have been paid
 The unit bylaws have been approved by the Bylaws Committee; and
 An Employer Identification Number application has been submitted to the IRS.

Chartering A PTA

Check List for Organizing New PTA Units


EIN Application


Local Unit Bylaws Template