
One of the compliance requirements for local units is to have each Officer attend local leader training each year, even if they have attended training in the past.  While the topics may be the same, new information and new IRS/PTA guidelines and processes are covered each year.

In addition, important information about national programs and grant opportunities are discussed. We also give an overview of MemberHub and walk through important Leader Knowledge areas of the National PTA website.

For the 2022-2023 school year we are working to enhance the offering to include grant writing and other best practices to help you run your PTA whether you are new to the board or a seasoned PTA-er.

Current leadership training structure

Options include:

  1. Virtual eLearning via the E-learning site
  2. Attend live in person/virtual training offered by DPTA ( this years recording is available.)
  3. Watch the recorded training from #2
  4. Attend training at the annual convention
  5. Watch new, optional training on the new Thrive platform. These are optional courses that will provide best practices to run your PTA but they don’t currently take the place of the basic courses.
Option 1 details  – E-learning site
Level 1 Courses
Local PTA President Roles & Responsibilities (30 minutes)

Local PTA Secretary Roles & Responsibilities (30 minutes)

Local PTA Treasurer Roles & Responsibilities (40 minutes)

Local PTA Budget Basics – All officers (10 minutes)

Taking and Approving Meeting Minutes – Secretary (10 minutes)

PTA Basics – All Officers (30 minutes)

Board Basics  – All Officers (30 minutes)

Level 2 Courses – Returning officer? If you have already taken a level 1 course please consider attending a live training ( or watch the recording). Otherwise please take 2 of the below. 

Using Parliamentary Procedure – (30 minutes)

Reflections Leader Training – (30 minutes)

Planning Your PTA Year – (30 minutes)

Effective Advocacy for Your Child – (30 minutes)

Membership 101 – (20 minutes)
Preventing Theft in Your PTA – (30 minutes)

Transformative Family Engagement – (45 minutes)

Inclusive Leadership – (4 minutes)

Local PTA 501c3 Compliance (10 minutes)

NOTE: you must be logged in with a National PTA profile to access eLearning on the PTA website. You must use the same email address that was used to report your unit board to the Delaware PTA. Select “forgot password” to create a new password and access your eLearning. Make sure your president has reported all officers. If you still have trouble logging in please let us know.