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Don’t have a PTA at your school?

Join the Delaware PTA VIP Unit

Who Can Join Us?


Any individual who may not have access to PTA membership through a local school in their community may join. We encourage community and state leaders, senior citizens, parents, and educators to support Delaware’s children and schools by joining PTA.  The annual membership fee is only $10.00  – CLICK HERE TO JOIN TODAY


The PTA unit offers members the rights and privileges of membership in the Delaware PTA and the National PTA. Members are joining over 6,000 other PTA members across this state and 4 million members nationwide as advocates of children.

Membership benefits:

Membership in both the state and national PTA.

Eligible to participate in the state Reflections program

Eligible to apply for Delaware PTA Scholarship Program (High school Seniors)

Access to the latest publications and resources of the state and national PTA through

Up-to-date information on critical educational issues affecting children

Eligible to attend the Delaware PTA and National PTA meetings and conferences as prescribed in the bylaws

Influence on legislative issues affecting children at the local, state and federal levels

Membership in the largest child advocacy organization in the world


Making every child’s potential a reality.