Archive for the Featured 3 Category

End of Year Checklist for Units

PTA Leaders – As you begin to wrap up your fiscal year, please remember to do the following in your final PTA Board and Membership meetings and before your board members transition: *Hold elections! Go to…/local-unit-resource-guides/ for information on how to do this. * Vote and approve a summer budget that covers expected income and expenses between July 1st and your first PTA meeting (when your membership approves next year’s operating budget). You can’t spend money unless its in a budget approved by your members! *Pay any remaining outstanding membership dues. You can easily check if you have a balance due

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National PTA and North Carolina PTA Stand with Families, Schools and Communities Impacted by Hurricane Florence

ALEXANDRIA, Va., (Sept. 19, 2018)—National PTA President Jim Accomando and North Carolina PTA President Virginia Jicha issued the following statement regarding Hurricane Florence: “Families, schools and communities across North Carolina have been profoundly impacted by flooding, wind damage and power outages from Hurricane Florence. National PTA and North Carolina PTA join the nation in concern for the safety and well-being of those impacted by this powerful storm. Our thoughts and hearts go out to everyone affected. “As the nation’s and state’s oldest and largest child advocacy association, it is our duty to support families and school communities in their efforts

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National PTA Kicks Off 50th Year of Reflections Arts Program with National Arts in Education Week

ALEXANDRIA, Va., (Sept. 12, 2018)—In celebration of National Arts in Education Week, National PTA is kicking off its 2018-2019 Reflections® student art awards program. This school year marks the 50th anniversary of the program, which has inspired and engaged millions of students to explore their talents and express their ideas by creating works of art for fun and recognition. “Participation in the arts builds students’ confidence, teamwork and sense of accomplishment. Involvement in the arts is also closely associated with students’ academic achievement, social and emotional development, and civic engagement,” said Jim Accomando, president of National PTA. “National PTA is thrilled to celebrate

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National PTA Board of Directors Adopts Position Statement on Safe and Supportive Schools

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (August 7, 2018)—As schools across the country are increasingly impacted by violence and natural disasters, National PTA’s board of directors adopted a new position statement on safe and supportive schools during its August board meeting. The statement calls for a multi-faceted approach to address school safety that involves all stakeholders, especially students, parents and families. “School safety is a critical priority for all parents, families, educators, students and community members that cannot be taken for granted. Every child has a right to learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment,” said Jim Accomando, president of National PTA. “National PTA recognizes

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John R. Downes Elementary School and Downes Elementary PTA Recognized Nationally as a School of Excellence

National PTA has recognized John R. Downes Elementary School and Downes Elementary PTA as a 2018-2020 School of Excellence for their commitment to building an inclusive and welcoming school community where all families contribute to enriching the educational experience and overall well-being for all students. “Research shows that when families and schools work together, students do better in school and schools improve,” said Jim Accomando, president of National PTA. “John R. Downes Elementary School and Downes Elementary PTA have worked hard to strengthen their family-school partnership and create an environment where all families feel welcomed and empowered to support student

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Local Leaders: Beware of Email Scam

As an FYI, we want to make you aware of an email scam aimed at PTA associations. These emails are hitting both state and local PTA, so everyone should be vigilant of these types of email scams. The person(s) hacking the account sent a message under the cover of the PTA president requesting that the treasurer initiate a wire transfer for the purpose of procuring equipment for the school. Thankfully, due to well written out and established business processes, the treasurers in these PTAs were able to identify the email as a deliberate act to commit fraud and were able to

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