Greetings PTA Leaders! We hope that everyone has had a wonderful summer vacation. We realize that things can become very hectic at the beginning of the new school year, so we wanted to make sure we give advance notice of the September Board of Managers Meeting. Delaware PTA holds a Board of Managers meeting twice a year. In accordance with Article VIII, Section 2 of the Delaware PTA State bylaws, the Board of Managers is composed of a. State officers b. Immediate Past President c. Chairman of the standing committees d. Presidents of the councils, and e. Presidents of all
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PTA Leaders, We are excited to announce the 2015-2016 National PTA Official Back to School Kit— is completely digital. It includes interactive resources to help your local PTAs kick-start a winning school year. The kit contains the same advice and quick-reference-guides that you have come to expect, that will help PTAs deepen their impact and venture into new territory. The digital kit has many added benefits. The kit is user-friendly and contains more content such as printable and shareable tools, forms, and checklists. The kit is online and available immediately. There is no registration process for the kit this year,
Read more →June 18, 2015 Action Alerts, Activism, Civil Rights, Testing / Opting Out We, the below undersigned organizations, oppose high-stakes testing because we believe these tests are causing harm to students, to public schools, and to the cause of educational equity. High-stakes standardized tests, rather than reducing the opportunity gap, have been used to rank, sort, label, and punish Black and Latino students, and recent immigrants to this country. We oppose high-stakes tests because: There is no evidence that these tests contribute to the quality of education, have led to improved educational equity in funding or programs, or have helped close
Read more →One of the benefits of being a PTA is receiving hands on Leadership training each year to ensure the success of your PTA. Our leadership training focus specifically on the roles and responsibilities of your Executive Board and officers, Finances, Recruiting and retaining membership, and how to access and use the various tools, supports and resources available to you through Delaware PTA and National PTA ( grants, programs, awards, e-Learning and much more). We have tons of new updates regarding membership cards, back to school kits and important updates from the IRS. So all units need to participate in an upcoming
Read more →THANK YOU DSEA – PLATINUM SPONSOR OF THE 2018 Annual Delaware PTA STATE CONVENTION We hope that educators from across the state will join us on Saturday, April 28, 2018, from 8 am – 4 pm at St. Georges Highschool in Middletown as we discuss three very important topics in education: Funding Public Education, Trauma-Informed Care Family Engagement!! All educators in attendance at the 2018 Delaware PTA State Convention will receive a certificate for 8 clock hours to submit to their district HR department. Just let the attendant know you are a teacher when you check in the morning of convention!! We will
Read more →Being educated about school board candidates is critical to advocating effectively for our students. PTA members are often the individuals with the most knowledge and awareness of their communities’ needs. It is important for PTAs to be involved in the process of educating communities and spreading awareness when it comes to school board elections. Although PTA units may not endorse the candidate(s), PTAs may: • Alert community members to the coming election (or appointment) of school board members. Encourage them to be informed and to vote. • Sponsor community meetings where all school board candidates are invited to speak. This may
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