Monthly archive for March 2015

Attorney General Denn Updates School Compliance with Delaware Bullying Laws

WILMINGTON, DE – Attorney General Matt Denn released the second annual report on compliance by Delaware schools with state anti-bullying laws today. The report analyzes the implementation by the Department of Education, school districts, and charter schools of significant changes that were made to the state’s bullying statutes in 2012. The report finds that the state’s efforts to require schools to communicate with parents about bullying incidents are showing success, but that the state’s evidence-gathering practices regarding bullying are in need of reform and that school districts and charter schools are not consistently complying with their obligation to direct students

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  Delaware PTA is excited to announce our 2015 Youth Summit – Student Voices Heard in public education.  This Summit will take place on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at Middletown High School.  ALL students from across the state in grades 7th through 12th are invited!    This fun-filled, daylong event is all about students, their experiences in the classrooms and their vision for meeting their educational needs.    More will be coming soon about registration and event details.  In the meanwhile, please mark your calendars and share the date with young people you know!    We need their voices on Saturday, April 25th!   Register Today  

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Dover – The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) invites the public to make comments on the latest draft of its request for a 3-year extension of its current Flexibility Waiver from certain provisions of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The draft can be found on line at   The DDOE applied for ESEA Flexibility from the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) in February 2012. The DDOE request was approved on May 29, 2012. The DDOE later applied for a one-year extension that was granted on July 31, 2014.   Last November, the USDOE gave states the

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