Parents & Teachers:
The next Assessment Inventory Task Force (SJR 2) meeting is Tuesday Jan 19th from 5:30pm -7:30pm at the Townsend Building in Dover in case anyone is interesting in attending. We encourage all parents and teachers to attend as members of the public. This task force was created to review all state and local mandated assessments with the intent of reducing the amount of testing our children receive.
As a reminder, this committee has no true parent representation, so it is important that parents attend these meetings to provide input. True parent representation is a parent who has a child in the public education system, but it not connected to or employed with any school district in the state. The Governor appointed a district teacher to serve as the parent representative.
All districts were required to have the outcomes of their assessment inventory submitted to the Delaware DOE by 12/31/2015 and the Delaware DOE has until 01/31/2016 to make the outcomes of all districts submissions available for public comment. They also have to present these outcomes to the Senate & House Education Committees by 01/31/2016.
You can review the legislation and requirements HERE