Spring Board of Managers Meeting
March 27, 2018
6:00pm – 8:30pm
Eden Support Center
925 Bear Corbitt Rd Bear, DE
Please mark your calendars and REGISTER. for the Spring Board of Managers meeting. This is a very important meeting, as it is the last meeting before the annual convention. Attendees will vote to move the action items below to the convention floor.
As part of your local unit compliance, Every local unit President OR their duly appointed alternative is required to attend the BOM meeting. All registered attendees will receive a link to the agenda and other documents on or before 03/20/2018. Please bring your copies with you.
The purpose of the Board of Managers is defined in our bylaws – Article VIII, Section 4 and states:
The Board of Managers shall direct the affairs of the Delaware PTA during the interim between annual conventions…
It is the responsibility of the members of the Board of Managers to attend each Board of Managers meeting to vote on action items to bring forward to the convention and conduct the business of Delaware PTA. Members of the Board of Managers is defined in Article VIII, Section 2 of the Delaware PTA bylaws as:
a. State officers
b.Immediate Past President
c. Chairmen of the Delaware PTA State standing committees
d. Presidents of the councils
e. Presidents of all local units or their duly appointed alternates (with one vote per unit)
f. Delaware VIP Members (with on vote from the group)
Action items include:
Voting on the new legislative priorities
Voting on the slate of candidates
voting on proposed bylaws changes
Review of other PTA business