Resources for Military Families

Military families are a big part of our Delaware community. We know that military families face unique challenges. The average military student will attend six to nine different school systems in their lives from kindergarten to 12th grade graduation. By collaborating with community stakeholders and having a seat on the Delaware Military Compact Commission, Delaware PTA serves as a resource for military families in Delaware.    

Our Mission

The purpose of this committee is to connect military families with the information needed to enhance their child’s education. To filter vital down vital information to the invested parties that will directly affect the various facets and challenges in the military lifestyle. We will attempt to anticipate the unmet needs of the military child and help to foster a solution.

The Objective

  • Provide the military family with relevant information and resources that are not readily available as of yet. (Handouts, guides and online tools)
  • Getting the military family engaged and involved in decisions that are not highly visible but directly correlated with their child’s education.
  • Efficiently and effectively connecting information and the sharing of it


  • Identify and connect with military children in public schools throughout the state by means of social media and email.
  • Focus on collecting the useful information and dispersing it accordingly.
  • Become visible within the communities and readily available for support and implantation.
  • Connect military organizations to those in need of assistance.
  • Publish a quarterly newsletter and send out to any school that has at least ONE military child enrolled.

With the support of Senator Bushweller, we are working with the DE State Legislature to pass the Military Identifier Bill.  In February, we will meet with the Veterans Affairs Commission to enlist their support.


 How can you help??


  1. Work with your local PTA leadership to establish a Military Outreach Committee for your school/community.
  2. Attend the Delaware PTA MOC meetings
  3. Volunteer to assist with the Delaware PTA MOC mission.
  4. Stay informed


For more information on establishing a Military Outreach Committee in your school/community or for information on assisting us at the state level, contact the Military Outreach Chair


You can also visit our website at,  follow us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @Delawarepta

The MOC committee is also available to help with any questions the active/reserve/guard/retired military family has.