Renew your 2018-19 VIP Membership

Carry The Card that Counts

Thank you for supporting Delaware PTA during the 2018-19 school years. As a member, you join with more than 6,000 other individuals who share your enthusiasm and commitment to supporting public education. Founded in 1910, the Delaware PTA is dedicated to a collective goal-speaking for every child with one voice.

During the past year, your membership and participation has helped Delaware PTA

  1. Provide scholarships to graduating high school students
  2. Expand our Reflections Program
  3. Provide increased leadership & advocacy training, as well as additional field service for our local units
  4.  For the first time ever, offer grants and awards to local PTA units to support their efforts with increasing family engagement, advocacy and other school enrichment programs.
  5. Advocate for legislation that promotes safety in our schools, supports local control, supports transparency in public education, strengthens family engagement and recognizes the parent’s voice in making educational decisions for their child.


We are looking forward to the upcoming year and hope that you will join us with your continued support by renewing your Delaware PTA VIP membership today.

Once you renew your membership you will receive an electronic membership card with instructions on how to activate your card. Keep it handy as it entitles you to discounts with National partners, access to eLearning courses and much more.

Don’t forget to check our website for regular updates, tools and resources. You can also like us on FaceBook, Follow us on Twitter (@DelawarePTA),  Goggle Plus,LinkedIn and Instagram (@4DelawarePTA)

If you have questions about your membership or benefits, please us at

Our members are the visible embodiment of our commitment to change and improvement. It is through your desire and dedication to public education that Delaware PTA flourishes. Your membership means a great deal to us.
Delaware PTA