NPTA to testify on student data and privacy issues

PTA Advocates:

Tomorrow, February 12, 2015, National PTA Vice President of Advocacy, Shannon Sevier will testify before the House Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education on behalf of National PTA. This is a Subcommittee of the House Education and the Workforce Committee


The hearing, titled “How Emerging Technology Affects Student Privacy,” will focus on student data privacy, exploring the use of new technology in the classroom and examine the need to modernize FERPA.


As you know, National PTA has been actively involved in the ongoing debate about the best way forward on student data privacy. This hearing gives National PTA the opportunity to highlight the importance of this issue before Congress and showcase the steps we are taking to ensure all children’s data is secure.


Shannon’s testimony, along with others, will be live streamed at 11:00 AM. For additional information about the hearing and to view her live testimony, please see the Committee website: