Message From the Exceptional Child Chair


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. First, I would like to thank all those individuals who have given their time to volunteer, work directly with Bill Doolittle and I on current initiatives, and/or volunteer to assist in future projects. I would also like to welcome the new members to our committee. In today’s world, being a parent is difficult, but being a parent of a special needs child/children and advocate is even more challenging yet so rewarding. 

 In our last meeting, we focused on the initiatives outlined in our action plan, as well as updates on legislative items. Since that time I, along with other Delaware PTA board members, have worked to establish strong relationships with outside stakeholders and build community partnerships to address the needs of children with disabilities in Delaware. As many of you are well aware, this school year has been exceptionally busy, not only with the “Need Intervention” classification for special education, but also our work on other task forces and organizations to improve academic outcomes for our children. 

Important Dates:    

  • Tuesday, December 16, 2014               from 6 pm – 8 pm
  • Wednesday, January 14, 2014               from 6 pm – 8 pm
*Both meeting will be held at the state office
925 Bear Corbit Rd
Bear, DE 19701
** Call in option available for those that cannot join us in person. Details will be included in the agenda that will be sent out prior to the meetings.


Three Major Action Items on the agenda that need your input:

1. Begin planning our first annual Special Education Summit

2. Establish a stakeholder work group to create an inclusion model for all districts within Delaware.
3. Determine meeting dates/times for Feb, Mar, Apr and May.
The meetings are open to anyone interested in supporting the mission of the Exception Child Committee.   

If you have any questions, please contact me by email or phone.



Liz Toney
Delaware PTA
Exceptional Child Committee Chair