Efforts to support the district’s May 27 referendum are well underway, and we need all hands on deck! A large number of community volunteers came together in late March to begin mobilizing referendum support. Their activities can be followed on facebook (CSDWeAllWin) and atwww.CSDWeAllWin.org.
The group divided into four subcommittees: Communications, Public Outreach, School-Based Activities and Political Action. FOCSD co-chairs Mary & Eve are on Outreach & Political Action, respectively. Are others in this group also involved?
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THIS CRITICAL EFFORT, please email Wendy Lapham (laphamw@christina.k12.de.us) and let her know which committee interests you.
FOCSD is meeting on Monday, April 27 7:00 at Downes elementary to discuss the referendum and ways to support it. Please come, and bring friends!
As you know, the first referendum in February lost by a 3:1 margin. This referendum is asking for a much smaller tax increase (see the fliers atwww.CSDWeAllWin.org/resources for details). If this referendum PASSES, the district will cut $1.8 million from its budget. If the referendum FAILS. the district will cut $9.5 million. The precise programs and services to be cut are still under discussion between board members and district staff–but cuts will be deep. For the district’s current proposal of how to meet the budget shortfall in the event of a failed referendum (which the board has not approved) see slide 11 here:http://www.christinak12.org/ourpages/auto/2015/4/1/56376552/Public%20Forum%20Presentation.pdf.
Hope to see you and fellow supporters of strong district schools at Downes on April 27!!
Eve Buckley & Mary Schorse, FOCSD co-chairs