Congratulations to Thurgood Marshall PTA in the Christina School District on achieving 100% teacher participation in the PTA!
As the “T” in PTA, teachers play a critical role in the lives of students. A strong parent-teacher relationship is the cornerstone of supporting student success. When teachers and parents come together to support students,everyone wins.
Marshall PTA credits their success in achieving 100% teacher participation to the support of the building principal Norman Kennedy. Research shows that successful units regularly collaborate with school leadership to meet common goals. Marshall PTA leaders regularly attend state leadership trainings to keep current on best practices.
In addition, the PTA offers mini grants to any teacher who joins the PTA. The grants help offset some of the out of pocket expenses teachers incur when purchasing materials and resources for their classroom.
If your unit has acheived 100% teacher participation, let us know. If you haven’t achieved 100% teacher participation yet – what are you waiting for?
Check out our resources on membership recruitment and engaging teachers