June 2018 Local Unit Leadership Training

Are you

  •  A newly elected officer and unsure of what you are doing?
  •  A returning officer and are looking for a refresher?
  •  Looking to get a head start on your membership outreach planning over the summer and need ideas?


Please join us on Wednesday, June 6th for PTA Officer Leadership Training at Stanton Middle School, located at 1800 Limestone Rd, Wilmington DE 19804.

The training will run from 6 – 8:30pm. Sign-in begins at 5:45pm. Dinner will be provided.

All PTA officers that will be serving for the 2018-2019 school year must attend Leadership Training. This is the first of several Leadership Training opportunities that will be offered (more dates will be offered later in the summer). Please RSVP HERE.

Note: If your unit is interested in hosting a Leadership Training session for your district/region, please contact us at admin@delawarepta.org 


Training Sessions

PTA President/Vice President Training 

This is a great workshop for all local PTA unit Presidents and Vice Presidents! It doesn’t matter if you’re a veteran or new to the role. This interactive workshop will focus on the responsibilities of the PTA President/Vice-President and discuss different strategies and ideas for building and retaining a strong, successful PTA board.


Money Matters – Best Practices & IRS Updates 
Learn valuable information about finances for your PTA unit.  You will learn about best practices, as well as sharing ideas and information.  Find out what it takes to maintain your nonprofit status with the IRS.  If you’ve never been to Treasurer’s training, this is your opportunity!


Membership Outreach

Membership is the lifeblood of any local unit. The primary reason for developing membership is to build an informed team of individuals to work on behalf of all children and youth. We will show you various strategies and resources designed to help you increase and maintain the membership in your local unit. Learn all about the importance of proper membership reporting and much more!


Advocacy and Programs

Advocacy is the foundation on which the PTA is built. Learn more about advocacy efforts nationally, within Delaware and how you can introduce advocacy within the local unit.  Learn about PTA programs such as Reflections, Diversity, Scholarships and other areas that are benefits to local units and its members as well as Delaware VIP members. We will also provide information on important dates and deadlines for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.