Every Child in Focus: LBGTQ History Month

In October, National PTA’s Every Child in Focus campaign centers on LBGTQ History Month. Using the PTA National Standard for Family-School Partnerships, we will explore ways PTAs can welcome and support the families of LBGTQ children in the school community.

Negative attitudes toward lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students puts them at an increased risk for violence and bullying.  Negative attitudes also impact a student’s ability to learn at school.  Get the facts on the challenges facing LGBT students here.

We have created information and resources on the unique challenges LGBTQ children face and ways PTAs can better support LGBTQ families in achieving student success.


How Your PTA Can Better Support LBGTQ Children

  • Read our PTA One Voice Blog for PTA success stories and additional resources. You can also share your blog! We want to hear local and state PTA success stories on supporting children with special needs and how you promote an environment that is welcoming to all children and parents. Use our blog share tool to tell us your story.
  • Share the Parents’ Guides to Student Success. These standards provide clear, consistent expectations for what students should be learning at each grade level in order to be prepared for college and career.