Greetings PTA Leaders!
We are fast approaching election time. School Board Elections are fast approaching, you will most likely be contacted by candidates. We wanted to review some very important guidelines for inviting candidates to your PTA meetings.
- When a candidate asks to attend your PTA meeting you must invite all the candidates that are running.
- If you do not hear from a candidate after a few attempts, those who have accepted your invitation can attend.
- We must remember we do not support any one candidate in the name of PTA
- We are non for profit and it prohibits any PTA to endorse or support any candidate
- If you have already had one candidate and not the other, you must extend an invitation to that candidate to your next PTA meeting.
- Please refer to election guide for all election questions. It can be found at this link:
Good luck. If you have any further questions please contact Yvonne Johnson at