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4th Annual March Madness Contest

Like the college basketball season,  PTA membership recruitment & retention  happens over many months The Delaware PTA is holding our 4th ANNUAL March Madness contest covering January to April membership reporting! Three lucky PTAs will be awarded a prize. To be eligible your unit must have met the following criteria by April 27th: Submitted membership dues & accompanying reports during the 1st half of this fiscal year — – at the least, each unit should have officers in, Submit membership dues & accompanying reports at any time during January, February, March or April (up to April 27th) for all new members not previously reported, and Measure at least 25%

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Delaware PTA Appoints Interim 1st VP

January 22, 2018 We are pleased to announce the appointment of Julie Alvarez as interim 1st VP of Delaware PTA effective immediately. After a recommendation from the Nomination Committee, State President Dr. Terri Hodges made the appointment and the Delaware PTA Executive Committee unanimously affirmed the appointment as part of the association’s leadership development and succession planning initiative. Ms. Alvarez has a long-standing history of involvement with PTA at the local level. She is currently a committee chair with the North Star Elementary PTA. However, during the last ten years, she has served as a local unit President, Vice-President, Secretary,

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Check out Southern Elementary PTA’s ELA Night

Southern PTA recently hosted an English Language Arts (ELA) night with the grant money they received from Delaware PTA. Their goal was to engage families by having them come into the school to interact with educators and school staff. Families received details on how to support their children in the areas of ELA and Math. They were also provided with an overview of what is being taught and what is needed at each grade level. Math and ELA coaches were in attendance along with several teachers for question and answer sessions. PTA President Shymia Bolden said that “any knowledge that

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Delaware PTA Announces Grant Recipients

Contact: Terri Carpe,   Delaware PTA Announces Grant Recipients   Bear, DE (January 15, 2018) — The following Delaware PTA units have received grants of $250 in support of school programs or events that align with National PTA initiatives of Student and School Success (Family Engagement), Health and Safety and Arts in Education.  This grant was open to all PTA units in the state that are in good standing with DPTA. The recipients by school district are: Appoquinimink: Olive B. Loss Elementary PTA: Blue Ribbon 5k in support of Health and Safety Brandywine: Forwood Elementary PTA: After School Art

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Call for Nominations

The Nomination Period for new officers for the Delaware PTA State Board is still open for the following positions:   ·         President ·         First Vice President (pending approval of proposed bylaws change) ·         VP of Membership (pending approval of proposed bylaws change) ·         VP of Leadership (pending approval of proposed bylaws change)   In addition to the above-elected positions, we have multiple opportunities to serve on state-level committees.   Click Here For more information on the nominations process and to access the nomination submission form. Completed forms must be submitted on or before 11:59 p.m February 15, 2018. All questions can

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2018 Annual Convention Awards – Apply Today

Delaware PTA values our members who actively support the mission of the association. We will be recognizing local PTA units and individuals and their contributions to PTA through a variety of awards which will be presented at our Annual State Convention. The deadline to apply is April 9th, 2018.   We are looking forward to celebrating the many successes of our local PTA units and volunteers!             Complete List of Awards & Applications

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Tony Bennett Shivers, NPTA Board of Directors to a 2018 Annual DPTA Convention

  We are excited to announce that Tony Bennett Shivers, member of the National PTA Board of Directors will be our guest of honor at the 2018 Annual Delaware PTA Convention on April 28, 2018. Tony has a great deal of experience with PTA at all levels, education and non-profit organizations. Attendees will have an opportunity to meet with him and participate in a Leadership workshop that he will facilitate. Click on the image for more information  about Tony!! #ValueinPTA#Fundingourfuture #DPTAconvention18

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