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We need your 2016-17 New Officer Information

Have you reported your new officers for the 2016-17 school year? Now the process is easier than ever and only takes about 5 minutes!! You can submit your new officers online at You’ll find the 2016-17 New Officers Reporting form under Section II Remember, reporting new officers is required to remain a unit in compliance. This also ensures that you receive timely information regarding programs, grants, trainings and other resources to ensure the successful running of your unit. Our region VPs will be reaching out to any unit that has not submitted this information.

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Community Conversations on ESSA

The Delaware Department of Education will host four community conversations this month to collect public input that will inform the first draft of the state’s plan under the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). A second round of conversations is planned for later in the fall to receive feedback on the draft plan. In December 2015, Congress reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the main federal law governing public education. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaces the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). As part of NCLB, Delaware is one of the 43 states operating under

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ESSA Stakeholder Engagement Activities

 Check out (and share!) our ( to complete surveys, register for community conversations throughout the state and nominate people for the Delaware Department of Education’s two discussion groups. Surveys are open through October 3rd and discussion group nominations close on September 9th

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Membership Forms, Templates and Guides

  Below you’ll find a great assortment of forms your unit can with any membership activities. If there is something that you’d like to see and it isn’t here, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We want you to be successful and will help you in any way we can.   _sample_parent_letter_membership _sample_teacher_letter _welcome-to-the-unit-letter-1 _____whyjoin_pta1 Exclusive Member Benefits _renewal-letter-1 _____10_tips_for_recruiting_more_pta_members_20111 _____when_someone_says_no-20111 _membership-growth-plan-worksheet

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Renew your 2018-19 VIP Membership

Thank you for supporting Delaware PTA during the 2018-19 school years. As a member, you join with more than 6,000 other individuals who share your enthusiasm and commitment to supporting public education. Founded in 1910, the Delaware PTA is dedicated to a collective goal-speaking for every child with one voice. During the past year, your membership and participation has helped Delaware PTA Provide scholarships to graduating high school students Expand our Reflections Program Provide increased leadership & advocacy training, as well as additional field service for our local units  For the first time ever, offer grants and awards to local PTA

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Attention Local PTA Leaders:

  As an FYI, we want to make you aware of an email scam that two of our sister PTA state associations have encountered. These emails are hitting both state and local PTA, so everyone should be vigilant of these types of email scams. The person(s) hacking the account sent a message under the cover of the PTA president requesting that the treasurer initiate a wire transfer for the purpose of procuring equipment for the school. Thankfully, due to well written out and established business processes, the treasurers in these PTAs were able to identify the email as a deliberate act

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Looking to Volunteer With Your PTA, But Have Questions?

National PTA E-Learning offers interactive and engaging online courses to help you become a better leader! Learn the steps for taking a program from concept to reality with our Running a Successful Program e-learning course. This course will guide you in the creation and delivery of innovative PTA programs in your local school community. If you are having difficulty keeping volunteers motivated, learn how to put an achievable plan together with Planning Your PTA Year. This course will set you up for a successful PTA year by assisting you in planning and goal setting. Visit today to start reaching your

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