AIM Now Offering Social Media Liability Coverage

As of 9/1/2016 AIM will begin offering Media Liability Coverage to your units!

Social Media is a wonderful tool but there are considerable risks and your PTA units could be held liable!

· Invasion of privacy by posting a photograph that has not been released for use.
· Infringement of copyright, trademark, or logo, when you accidentally post something.
· Misinterpreted or misconstrued messages by your readers
· Disclosing of confidential information.

All of the above occur on a daily basis but AIM is here to HELP!

For all units with a renewal effective date of 9/1/2016 or later we will be sending the attached Brochure with Application. Please note, Media Liability coverage is a supplement to the General Liability Coverage and can only be purchased with an accommodating General Liability Policy.

Contact your AIM representative for additional questions.